There is a CAM product that is easy to use. Making the move from programming your CNC machine by hand, or struggling with a CAM program that is difficult to use should not be a hard decision. Autodesk’s HSM runs inside SolidWorks and Inventor; giving you the best CAD/CAM, and you will like that the standard 2.5 version is FREE!

If you are already familiar with powerful CAD, the integrated CAM is going to shorten the learning curve dramatically. Many CNC Programmers are having a hard time getting code to the shop floor fast. With HSM’s ease-of-use, you will find that creating good code for your machine can be done faster, even on your first part.
Ever had to re-program a part because you did not trust old files? Don’t burn time and money this way. Working within the best CAD and CAM environment helps to keep your data organized. Having all your CAD and CAM data stored in one file has a huge benefit. There is less data to keep track of, and when you CAD file changes, your CAM toolpaths just updates. You do not have to re-program your part every time there is a design change.
Are you looking for growth and new customers? You can’t tell your customers what software to use, and you do not have to. Both Inventor and SolidWorks comes with the best importing tools, letting you convert IGES, STEP, Parasolid and another dozen types. Not only will you have great CAD tools for part, fixture and work holding designs, you might also experience getting the order just because names like SolidWorks and Inventor will tell your customers that you are on the cutting edge.
So when looking for a CAM product that is easy to use, FREE and runs inside Inventor and SolidWorks, you just need to click here