How can you become a growing manufacturing company? A necessity is you have to be engaged and ready for change. It’s not smart finding yourself in that comfortable groove and stay there. It might make your life fun and fat for awhile, but change will eventually have to happen. What if your customers change before you? Change their products, their customer base, their ordering system, how about changing their stagnant suppliers? What is going to happen with the new generations entering the workforce? you know they are living a life with technology that changes every minute. They are not as afraid of change as you, and don’t forget they will be your customers soon.
Solution could be: 1, Wide might be better than deep. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, instead embrase that you have people working for you, not robots. Start more projects in your company. With the same staff loosen the ropes, let them be creative, chances are they are more loyal than you give them credit.
2, Being present in the moment. Get engaged with teenagers. Hook up with the local BOCES or high-schools, trust that by you sharing your knowledge, you will learn something too.
3, Change shouldn’t be made for the change’s sake. Change should happen because you care enough to make a difference. For your company, your employee’s, co-workers and the world.
Most organizations go too slow. don’t just work, work to make a difference, that’s what matters. You have an option to reshuffle the deck. Make your work important and make it matter.