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  • Writer's pictureLars Christensen

Chief Customer Officer by Jeanne Bliss

I finished this book in January 2022. I recommend this book 4/10.

This book is the step-by-step guide for any new Chief Customer Officer with the CEO's full support. For anyone else, it is a little bit like reading a recipe for a cake you don't have all the ingratiations for.

You can get your copy here.

My thoughts and notes:

  • Five competencies = Engine for growth

    • Honor and manage customers as assets

    • Along with around experience

    • Build a customer listening path

    • Proactive experience reliability and innovation

    • Leadership, accountability, and culture

  • Priorities

    • Break the five competencies down into crawl-walk-run action steps.

    • Improve priority experiences while developing the five competencies.

    • Prove out the process before expanding.

  • Embracing customers as assets shifts the attitude of leaders and ultimately the organizations because the purpose is to earn the right to growth by improving the lives of customers. When you improve their lives, high scores will follow. They will. But the shift is to start the work with the customer's life, not the score. And that is no small shift.

  • Leaders must start taking it personally that customers are departing from their business. They need to care about the "math" between customers in and customers out—because that delta drives growth.

  • Experiences that earn business growth are your operational responses to customer requirements as they do business with you.

  • Leadership should call customers who lapse to learn why they left.

    • Acknowledge that we know they have stopped or lapsed interaction with us, and we are so sorry. Can you please tell us what happened?

    • "Would you be willing to tell me more about your experience?" Repeat back what you have heard, clarify specifics if possible.

    • Ask if they would accept help to resolve any issues?

    • Repeat how sorry you are, and thank the customer.

  • Build a blend of quantitative and qualitative information to tell the story of customers' lives. Collect feedback from multiple sources. Don't rely on survey data alone.

  • Leaders should want to traverse the customer journey on a monthly basis to understand the real-time emerging issues.

  • Take stock of current listening:

    • Inventory the volume and schedule of all surveys being sent

    • Organize all surveys by stage of the customer journey in which the customer receives it.

    • Examine the methodology for the various surveys. Align to a one-company methodology.

    • Know the options available to gain customer insight in addition to the customer surveys.

    • Evaluate your ability to practice fearless listening

    • Find your most recent primary research. When was it last completed?

    • Grade how reliably you tell customers what you did with the feedback they provided.

    • Make a hard decision. Can you stop asking and act on what you already know?

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