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  • Writer's pictureLars Christensen

HSMWorks verifies an Ipad inside Solidworks

Fruit fanatic or not, Appel’s Ipad is most defiantly the hottest rocking geek topic these days, and Mike Puckett who is one of Solidworks certification specialists modeled up one of these wonders and is gracefully sharing it on 3dcontentcentral.  Now if you are up for prizes, pretty renderings and Ipads, I would recommend that you swing by and check out "Ipad model rendering challenge.  Snack a 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator" for some fun.

Using Solidworks juicy mold tools we can quickly make an attempt on an Ipad core that  we can use to look a little deeper into HSMWorks Solid Verification spinning hand in hand with Solidworks.

Stock Setup in HSMWorks

Stock setup

Stock setup is pretty simple to habdle in HSMWorks, Automatic has to be a favorite word, but you also have an option to use Solidworks sketches, what should make already Solidworks users feel pretty comfortable with this virtual task.

As written in the past, I am a big fan of shortcuts for quick access to get the job done. Right mouse key in HSMWorks is stuffed with a big selection of functions, including Simulate and what we are looking for….Solid Verification. So right mouse click on the HSMWorks job folder, and the hallway that leads you to Solid Verification lights right up

HSMWorks Solid Verification.

Placed inside the solid verification part in HSMWorks is pretty sweet. My biggest complain is that my 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator is disabled., what just results in the old fashion zoom and un-zoom with the mouse wheel. Still looking like a standard Solidworks property manager, HSMWorks has taken full advantage of the space available, and as you can see on picture above you have some cool information and measurements available, and all this information comes to life as you move your cursor over the different areas of the verified part.

Also inside Solid Verification you will find that “Right mouse” click brings up some neat tools. Here I find my savior for missing 3Dconnexion functions with a varieties to view the part from different standard views, and “Beep” and “Flash on Crash” could easily become the tools to secure your title as “CAM Ninja” around the office.


Verification is the last line of defense before sending that NC code to your CNC machine. Now I most likely do not have to remind you that spindle repair has not become cheaper. HSMWorks have invested in giving you the tools that will make it possible for you to verify your work and at the end of the day, you can go home while your mold core is being machined safely.

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